Green Smoothies


The Top 3 Ways To Eat More Greens



One of the central components of any healthy diet is eating a sufficient quantity of greens. Yet according to some surveys, 95% of people who follow a health diet, do not consume enough green leafy vegetables.

I’ll admit, I often have trouble (or sometimes even lack the desire) to eat my greens. Sometimes, after all the condiments, salt, cheese sauce, the calories are through the roof. There are days when I just don’t eat enough of them. I know greens are good. I know I need to eat more greens but I just don’t do it. Simply, greens should be appreciated and enjoyed with as little extra flavor enhancements, but at least with flavors that are satisfying and enjoyable.

Discover a fun way to get more greens into your diet. Here are my Top-3 Easy Ways to get more greens into your diet.

Make Green Smoothies

Green smoothies are great and a great way to consume a large quantity of greens! When I first heard about green smoothies I was a little skeptical about blending fruit and greens and was surprised by the result. The flavors really do mix well and can reveal treats for the taste buds you may not have yet imagined.

Here are some popular green smoothie recipes. 

Berry Roman Smoothie

1 cup strawberries
2 whole bananas
1/2 bunch romaine
1/2 to 1 cup water

Blend fruit and water. Add romaine lettuce and blend. Enjoy over ice with a wedge of orange.

Apples in a Green Smoothie are delicious.

The Being Green Smoothie

2 cups fresh spinach
1 whole grated cucumber or carrot or both.
2 whole bananas
1 whole orange (peeled and quartered without seeds)
3 whole apples, or apple juice a little honey or maple and some filtered water to smooth.

In a blender, whirl together all ingredients until thick and smooth. Add the filtered water to get the right consistency. 

Salads Smoothies are a great way to fill up but keep calories down.

Make Blended Salads Smoothies

Serve over ice for a refreshing vitamin lift.

Once you’ve gotten used to the taste of greens in your smoothies, you can graduate to making blended salads smoothies. You can transition gradually by reducing the amount of fruit in your smoothie and increasing the quantity of greens. Gaspacho is a type of blended salad. Here is one of my favorite recipes (though I will admit it took me a while to get used to the taste and texture of blended salads).

Blended Salad Smoothie

2 medium tomatoes, roughly chopped
2 ribs of celery
4 leaves lettuce (big)
1 big handful spinach
1 green onion
1/2 avocado
1/4 cup parsley
2 Tbs. dulse flakes
1 Tbs. nori flakes (optional)
Water if needed

Blend the tomatoes together, and add the rest of the ingredients progressively. Use water only if you need to. A blended salad should be quite thick. Absolutely delicious and you won't even need a fork and plate (maybe a spoon). You can drink this one on the go as you travel to work or from a thermos at lunch with a few melba toast or saltine crackers. Very nutritious! Full of Flavor!

A Simple but Delicious Salad Dressing is A Best Flavor Trick. 

Try a new salad dressing to liven up that "getting the greens" into a meal when you are not getting as many as you should.

Find One Good Healthy Salad Dressing

As you consume more greens in your diet, you may find that a variety of salad dressing recipes will make the same vegetables a whole new meal each time you eat them. Learn to make a few simple and flavorful salad dressing recipes and you will find that eating light will have no shortage of flavor or fun. 

Here is a classic healthy salad dressing 

recipe to get you started. 

2 tomatoes or cucumbers
2 Tbs. apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
1 cup fresh dill
1 small avocado

Blend in the blender thoroughly. Refrigerate until consumed (a couple of days storage in a cold refrigerator).

Blend tomatoes and add other ingredients progressively. Blend until smoothie. Add other seasonings if desired. Use more water if necessary. Pour this dressing over your favorite salad and you will have a pleasurable flavor burst for your taste buds.

We know greens are good for us and we should all strive to get more greens in our diet but don’t force yourself to eat more greens if you don’t like them! You’ll get sick easily. Instead, let your innate hunger for greens come back naturally, by slowly incorporating more greens in your diet in the form of green smoothies, blended salads, and soups. You will  find that as your diet starts to become cleaner, you will naturally crave more greens and raw foods.

Enjoy eating healthier and feel better too.

#Vegetables #Greens #Smoothies #FoodBlog #MealPlan

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*Always consult your healthcare provider before starting or changing your diet routine. Individual results may vary. 

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