Drink Plenty Of Water When You Diet

Lemon water drink


Drink Water To Help With Weight Loss

Weight Control Is A Way Of Life

 Many people believe that permanent and safe weight loss by changing the mental picture you have of yourself will work. 

Results for you will come as you begin to change your old habits and begin to live a life style of healthy living. You will live and actually be the person you imagine you are.

If you change the way you view yourself and the way your mind sees you and talks to you, you can then easily change your weight successfully. You need to convince your inner self what you wish to achieve is possible. You must believe that a life style change will be a positive step towards healthy living.

That being said, you can help yourself along greatly by making small and simple changes to your diet. 

Eating healthier foods is a great way to add to your diet  program. Use meal planning to make sure you get your vitamins while still watching your calories.

When Dieting, Drink Plenty Of Water

First, drink more water. Add at least one more glass a day to what you already drink. And, at the same time, make it fun. Watch your calories and try to keep the ingredients natural and organic. Filtered water is best for hydration if you can afford it. Alternate if you are on a budget. You will notice the difference in how refreshed you feel.

Try these easy drink options to help you stay hydrated while trying to reach your diet goals;

1. Seltzer

Add a lemon or lime for a nice fruit “punch” zesty flavor.

Bored with lemon and lime slices? Then try something more adventurous like a wedge of orange, a slice of pineapple, or a few cut up strawberries. All will add a little flavor. The light flavor has a satisfying taste without the calories.

2. Herbal Tea
Put an herbal teabag into a bottle of water and let it sit in your fridge for a while. It flavors the water. Strong flavored teas work best. Stay away from the ones that contain caffeine if you are sensitive.

If it's cold outside drink hot herbal tea. You’ll enjoy the refreshing pause in your day.

3. Flavored Syrups
Raspberry, peach, cherry or your favorites add splash to a glass of water. Just a splash will work so it does not add calories. Sugar free syrups don’t add calories but may have artificial flavors or chemicals, so be careful in your choices. Be sure and read the label.

4. Soup
Broth and bouillon are great choices. If you like the creamy soups be wary of the extra fat in them and use these only occasionally. If you do use creamy soups, try using low fat options for thickening.

Water Will Make You Look Great and Feel Great Too

As daunting as it seems to drink those 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, all evidence has shown that drinking enough water helps weight loss, improves skin, and is just plain good for you. Studies have shown that people sometimes eat when they are in fact dehydrated. So drink up and enjoy trying some of these methods.

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*Always consult your healthcare provider before starting or changing your diet routine. Individual results may vary. Affiliate links included and are at no extra cost if making a purchase.

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